HomeOrganisatieNieuws & EventsEvenementen & PlechtighedenWeek van InspiratieGlory of the Past2023ProgrammeProgramme11-05 Europe in uncertain times (of war) with Caroline de Gruyter 19.30-21.00
H.V. Ockham

Europe in uncertain times

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Europe isn’t safe anymore. For decades we thought that nothing would threaten our continent. Didn’t we have the diplomatic channels of the European Union, the NATO and other institutions? Commercial trade gave mondial ties and nobody would risk a war. Those myths were blown up by Russia invading Ukraine in February 2022. Drs. Caroline de Gruyter, prestigious commentator on European politics, takes the view that Europe has to be more united and better military equipped. Europe has to show its teeth. In cooperation with Sirius.

Moderator: dr. Shawn Donnelly, Assistant Professor for Technology, Resilience & Europe (UT)

Free admittance; no registration required 

Thursday 11 May | 19:30-21:00 | Vrijhof/Agora

Questions? Please contact:

A. Heukels (Anneke)
Studium Generale