Tosti Talks

Tosti Talks started as a get-together for students to promote collaboration. It is now a platform to inspire, to give people something to take home to think about, or for them to get involved or familiar with an organization or ongoing projects. All while they can enjoy a tasty tosti. 

Tosti Talks happen every Tuesday at 12:45 in the kitchen at DesignLab (or outside if the weather is nice enough ;), no registration needed, just drop by and grab yourself a tosti! 

Subscribe to our calendar to be updated about the upcoming tosti talks!
Subscribe here!

HAve you always wanted to give a talk about a topic you're passionate about?

If you or someone you know has something they’re passionate about and would like to share please don’t hesitate to reach out to us via the contact form below!

Would you like to give a Tosti Talk?
Click here!